The Zero Card is about things gothic, the occult, fetishism, and related subjects.
The Archives
Volume 2: 2001 The Second Year of Publication!!
- Volume 2, Number 1: January 2001
Theme: The (real) New Millennium
Tarot Card: Wheel of Fortune (Major Arcana X)
Cover Price: Make Lemonade
Articles in this issue include:
- The spinning wheel turns round
- Notice: The Spirt of The Zero Card
- Tarot Card Project: Card #4 The wheel spins
- Where Have All Those Space Ships Gone? [by Timothy Carter]
- The Year in Review: My how time flies when youre having fun!
- Fiction: It Was A Quiet Sort Of Night [by Robert Edward Charles Thomas Mitchell]
- The Zero Card goes into Bondage!
- Themes for Upcoming Issues
- Promotional Notice: Fetish Masquerade January 20, 2001
- Promotional Banner: toronto-goth.com
- Volume 2, Number 2: February 2001
Theme: Groundhog Day
Tarot Card: Judgement (Major Arcana XX)
Cover Price: Look on the Bright Side
Articles in this issue include:
- The Day of Judgement is at hand
- Humour: Its Great Fun until someone...
- People Watching: On a Streetcar Beauty is only skin deep [by Darryl Stephenson]
- Poetry: Streetscene [by Mike Jourard]
- What if I could do it over again? (an editorial)
- Fiction: If winter comes, can spring be far behind? [by Timothy Carter]
- Themes for Upcoming Issues
- Promotional Banner: The Purple Pentacle
- Volume 2, No. 3: March 2001
Theme: Spring
Tarot Card: Strength (Major Arcana VII)
- Volume 2, Number 4: April 2001
Theme: Earth Day
Tarot Card: Temperance (Major Arcana XIV)
Cover Price: Protect the Environment
Articles in this issue include:
- Learning the virtues of patience
- Fiction: ...And to All A Good Death 2 [by Timothy Carter]
- Environmental Commentary: Things to do to show you love this Earth
- Profile: He and She Clothing Gallery: Bringing out your exotic potential [by Stephanie Quinlan]
- Guidelines for submissions to The Zero Card
- Snippets
- Promotional Banner: The Purple Pentacle
- Promotional Banner: toronto-goth.com
- Volume 2, Number 5: May 2001
Theme: Mothers Day
Tarot Card: The Empress (Major Arcana III)
Cover Price: Honour Thy Mother
Articles in this issue include:
- The Earth Mother nurtures us all
- Humour: The Empress Wand
- Celebrating Motherhood while Hallmark gets rich [by Timothy Carter]
- Tarot Card Project: Temperance Was that a joke?
- Paganism: Learn to turn people into newts!
- Mythology: Mommy Too Dearest Oedipus and Jocasta
- Movie Commentary: Aliens and the Essence of Motherhood [by Timothy Carter]
- Poetry: Vague Memories [by Mike Jourard]
- Volume 2, Number 6: June 2001
Theme: Fathers Day
Tarot Card: The Emperor (Major Arcana IV)
Cover Price: Honour Thy Father
Articles in this issue include:
- The Father Protector knows best
- Runes: Symbols of divination formed by Odins Blood [by Rachel Young]
- Humour: Karmageddon definition
- The I-swear-Im-not-lying truth about Fathers Day [by Timothy Carter]
- Fetishism: A new tie for Fathers Day [by Stephanie Quinlan]
- Movie Commentary: Whos Your Daddy? The MuMmy Returns [by Timothy Carter]
- Bookshelf: Not Another Bloody Chapbook! from darkly humorous to chilling [by Stephanie Quinlan]
- What is a chapbook?
- Promotional Banner: The Purple Pentacle
- Volume 2, Number 7: July 2001
Theme: Weddings
Tarot Card: The Six of Wands (Minor Arcana)
Cover Price: Cherish Your Beloved
Articles in this issue include:
- The number of love and romance
- Movie Commentary: Curmudgeons grumble at summer movies [by Harvard Kitchener and Gladstone Dufferinbus]
- Runes: Creating a personal set of Runes. and
Materials needed to make your runes [by Rachel Young]
- Announcement: Bring out your UNdead! The Badinage Publications and The Zero Card Cheesy Vampire Summer Short Story Contest
- Themes for Upcoming Issues
- Paganism: Handfasting tying the knot of binding love. and
Handparting shedding the bonds [by Rachel Young]
- Volume 2, Number 8: August 2001
Theme: Teen Angst
Tarot Card: The Page of Swords (Minor Arcana)
Cover Price: Embrace the Spirit of Youth
Articles in this issue include:
- Welcome to Issue #20 Special Teen Issue
- Teen rebellion comes naturally
- He went swimming [by Tinka]
- Poetry: Why Be a Goth [by Jessamine]
- Tarot Card Project: Card #6 The Page of Swords
- Mental strain at the Brain Drain [by Renée Gagné]
- Poetry: Wake Up Michael [by Exception]
- My So Called Life: five days in Tinka Time [by Tinka]
- Cartoon: Part 1 Episode 1 Brittany [by Tinka]
- Announcement: Bring out your UNdead! The Badinage Publications and The Zero Card Cheesy Vampire Summer Short Story Contest
- Volume 2, Number 9: September 2001
Theme: Tattoos, Piercings and Body Modifications
Tarot Card: Seven of Cups (Minor Arcana)
- Volume 2, Number 10: October 2001
Theme: Demons
Tarot Card: The Devil (Major Arcana XV)
- Volume 2, Number 11: November 2001
Theme: Hiatus/Rest
Tarot Card: Four of Swords (Minor Arcana)
- Volume 2, Number 12: December 2001
Theme: Holiday Gift Giving
Tarot Card: Eight of Wands (Minor Arcana)
Cover Price: Tis better to give than to receive
Articles in this issue include:
- Its time to tackle Projects again
- Phoenix Rising
- Dont buy in to the Xmas commercialism!
- Fiction: Its the Thought That Counts... [by Timothy Carter]
- Paganism: The perfect gift for your favourite witch
- Poetry: All the Worlds Riches [by Mike Jourard]
- Promotional Notice: Death Night Blood The Toronto Dark Writers Group debut chapbook
- looking for the perfect gift? The pretentious git t-shirt
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Last modified on January 14, 2002. Copyright © 2001,2002 [by Badinage Publications. All rights reserved.