The Zero Card is about things gothic, the occult, fetishism, and related subjects.
The Archives
Volume 1: 2000 The First Year of Publication!!
- Volume 1, Number 1: January 2000 Premier Issue A COLLECTORS EDITION!!
Theme: The Journey Begins
Tarot Card: The Fool (Major Arcana 0)
Cover Price: Be Kind to Animals
Articles in the first issue include:
- Welcome to the first issue!
- Dealing with Millenium Madness (an editorial)
- Movie Review: Sleepy Hollow [by Flaky Lady Falko]
- Music Review: Alanis Morissettes Jagged Little Pill
- Choose a Tarot deck for yourself
- Poetry: Sitting on my toadstool [by Mike Jourard]
- What the future will bring
- Notice: The Spirit of The Zero Card
- Snippets (regular section)
- Karma Points (regular section)
- Announcement: Call for Submissions Anthology of New Canadian Gothic Writing
- Volume 1, Number 2: February 2000
Theme: Valentines Day
Tarot Card: The Lovers (Major Arcana VI)
Cover Price: Love Thy Neighbour
Articles in this issue include:
- Choices torn between two lovers
- Alternative Clothing: The Berber Fleece Corset [by Ashen]
- Wondering whatever happened to all those Lost Loves of mine (an editorial)
- Valentines Day sucks raw donkey bottom for unattached lovers [by Timothy Carter]
- Event Review: All Gothed Up an outing to the Toronto premiere of Sleepy Hollow [by Timothy Carter]
- Snippets
- Vol. 1, No. 3: March 2000
Theme: Madness
Tarot Card: The Moon (Major Arcana )
- Volume 1, Number 4: April 2000
Theme: Spring/Rebirth
Tarot Card: The Hanged Man (Major Arcana XII)
Cover Price: Be True To Yourself
Articles in this issue include:
- Life and love spring forth anew
- How Can Bunnies Lay Eggs?
- Environmental Commentary: Gotta love that Spring weather!
- Death, rebirth and chocolate eggs [by Timothy Carter]
- People Watching: Outside Union Station: cab hailers migration and bozo dog eaters [by Darryl Stephenson]
- Food Commentary: Maki-Zushi: how to roll your own [by Stephanie Smith]
- Guidelines to writers & artists for submissions to The Zero Card
- Snippets
- Volume 1, Number 5: May 2000
Theme: Gardening/Flowers
Tarot Card: Nine of Pentacles (Minor Arcana)
Cover Price: Grow Your Own
Articles in this issue include:
- Making everyday life worth living
- Submissions are encouraged
- Cartomancy: The art of fortune telling using an ordinary deck of playing cards [by Mystic Lady Mischa]
- Food Commentary: Variations on a maki-zushi theme [by Stephanie Smith]
- Poetry: Closer to You [by Mike Jourard]
- Love Lies Bleeding in the garden [by Christine Salley]
- The perfect venue for chat! [by Jason Roberts]
- Snippets
- Volume 1, Number 6: June 2000
Theme: Schools Out
Tarot Card: Ace of Wands (Minor Arcana)
Cover Price: Learn Something New
Articles in this issue include:
- A great day to learn new things
- The Tarot Card Project
- Dialogue: On the subject of movies and culture [from cangoth-chat]
- Cartomancy: The combination of cards determines the nature of your fortune. and
The meaning of the cards in a Cartomancy reading [by Mystic Lady Mischa]
- Body Modification: An expression of personal history [by Jennifer Dixon]
- Poetry: On Reality [by Mylissa Prisner]
- Snippets
- Volume 1, Number 7: July 2000
Theme: My Birthday
Tarot Card: Justice (Major Arcana XI)
Cover Price: Celebrate Your Life
Articles in this issue include:
- A time to reflect on Lifes events
- Dialogue: On the Blair Witch and Psycho Chicks [from toronto-goth]
- Pyscho Chick Magnet: Heal that hurt by sharing your stories of Nightmare Relationships
- Poetry: Macabre Waltz [by SHIVA]
- Body Modification: Mommy! A-puttid inta my noze! A mothers experience. [by Mylissa Foster]
- Snippets
- Karma Points
- Volume 1, Number 8: August 2000
Theme: Dog Days of Summer
Tarot Card: The Star (Major Arcana XVII)
Cover Price: Keep a Cool Head
Articles in this issue include:
- The Great Dog brings new hope
- Lets get Sirius for a moment
- A time of hope and perseverance [by Rachel Young]
- Paganism: Mirror, mirror, on the wall... please protect me from them all! [by Lady Aeval]
- Movie Review: Seat-clutching suspense and a red herring is What Lies Beneath [by Timothy Carter]
- Fiction: The Last, Last Time Ill Do That [by Timothy Carter]
- Poetry [by Mylissa Prisner]
- Snippets
- Volume 1, Number 9: September 2000
Theme: Harvest
Tarot Card: Nine of Cups (Minor Arcana)
Cover Price: Enjoy Your Harvest
Articles in this issue include:
- Time to eat, drink, and be merry!
- Oh Big Fat Floppy Donkey Dick! [by Warren H.]
- People Watching: At a Party bounteous breasts, over-perky blondes, & a bookworm [by Darryl Stephenson]
- The Zero Card is available at...
- Profile: Nine of Cups Café A beacon for the goth community [by Timothy Carter]
- Models Needed for Tarot Cards
- Themes for Upcoming Issues
- Snippets
- Volume 1, Number 10: October 2000
Theme: Halloween
Tarot Card: Death (Major Arcana XIII)
Cover Price: Dont Fear the Reaper
Articles in this issue include:
- The death of old habits, old fears
- Tarot Card Project: Card #1 Death takes a holiday
- Bookshelf (a new section): Come Hither: Learn to be kinky!
- Poetry: Portent [by Astropath]
- Themes for Upcoming Issues
- Witch Crafts: Candle Making A symbol of warmth and romance. and
Candle making supplies and tools [by Elizabeth Keenan]
- Thank you, thank you to the participants in the launch of The Zero Cards Tarot Project
- Volume 1, Number 11: November 2000
Theme: Ghost Stories
Tarot Card: The Hermit (Major Arcana IX)
Cover Price: Enjoy Your Solitude
Articles in this issue include:
- Seek wisdom away from the rush
- Humour: A Bats Life!
- People Watching: Haunted Houses in England Something wicked this way comes [by Darryl Stephenson]
- Tarot Card Project: Card #2 The Hermit searches
- Paganism: Employ the help of your Goddess [by Lori]
- Witch Crafts: Candle Making Part Two Other tools needed: drinking cups, toilet paper rolls, and tin cans [by Elizabeth Keenan]
- Fiction: The Legend of One Black Eye [by Timothy Carter]
- Snippets
- Promotional Banner: toronto-goth.com
- Volume 1, Number 12: December 2000
Theme: Yule/Winter Solstice
Tarot Card: The Sun (Major Arcana XIX)
Cover Price: Have Fun in the Sun
Articles in this issue include:
- The Sun brings joy and freedom
- The Zero Card Goes into Bondage!
- The 12 Kinky Days of Christmas [by SweetMaster]
- Tarot Card Project: Card #3 The Sun shines above
- Holiday gift-giving made easy! The pretentious git t-shirt
- Paganism: Giving thanks to Rebirth, and the balance between Life and Death. and
Winter Solstice Prayer. and
A Quick Guide to Yule [by Lori Lightfoot]
- Fiction: ...And To All A Good Death! [by Timothy Carter]
- Themes for Upcoming Issues
- Promotional Banner: toronto-goth.com
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Last modified on January 6, 2002. Copyright © 2000,2002 by Badinage Publications. All rights reserved.