XoozLand News!
Welcome to XoozLand!

Upcoming Events!
- Works in Progress: Go to this page for details and questions about
works currently in progress in and around Xoozland! (Note: This page contains large graphic images, so it
may take some time to load.)
- April/May/June, 2002: Major landscaping work will be done. Stay tuned for pictures!
- July 14, 2002: Celebrating Life, the Universe, and Everything A Garden Party
in honour of Mikes 42nd Birthday!
Important Update: Because the new deck will not be ready in
time, the party has been postponed until later in the season. The actual date will be announced once
construction of the deck is complete! Contact Mike for details.
- Spring, 2003: Plans are in the works to do some Major renovations Converting the
house from a 1.5-storey to a full 2-storey!

Recent Happenings!
- June 23, 2002: Anchors for the arbour were set in concrete. Last winter, the arbour was almost
destroyed by the cruel winter winds.
- May or June, 2002: Mike receives his First Building Permit, for reconstruction of the deck!
The new deck will be a two-level affair, featuring a Barbecue Pulpit, and full access to the backyard.
- Summer, 2001: Repairs to the front porch. Before and After pictures coming soon.
- June 24, 2000: Spawn Party! A garden party for all my friends and their spawn. Contact Mike for details.
- May 6, 2000: Pat and family came over to help with the shed renovations. Believe it or not,
the job only took one day!
Starting around 2 p.m., Mike ripped out the rotten wood floor of the shed.
With Pat's assistance, we set the metal shell on blocks, allowing for increased air circulation.
Once all the debris from the old floor was cleared out, we put down a layer of limestone screening,
and then layed down the interlocking stone that came last year from Lew's front walk.
- April 29, 2000: With Lynne's assistance, and the use of her friend's trailer that has been parked in the Back 40 at Xoozland, we obtained some heavy building supplies.
- March 26, 2000: Swagged a light fixture in the Office.
- March 15, 2000: Painting the Office is complete! Here are the "After" pictures:

- March 14, 2000: Christine came over to help paint the Virtual Arboraetum. She started work on the "Gateway to Hell" mural.
- March 11, 2000: Work begins on painting the Office, creating the Virtual Arboraetum. Here are the "Before" pictures:

- February 12, 1998: Mike takes possession of the house. Linda comes over in the evening to be his First House Guest, and to drink a toast to the new house.

Watch this space for further news!
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Mike Jourard using
HTML Notepad
from cranial software.
Last modified on June 26, 2002. Copyright © 2000,2002 by Badinage Publications. All rights reserved.